Foothills Kiwanis of Boulder Valley
Serving the children of the world since 1969
Kids need Kiwanis
2016 Photo Album: Foothills Kiwanis Club

Thanksgiving to Christmas, we work the kettle again, logging hundreds of hours and raising thousands of dollars for Salvation Army. Right: President David. Below, Monarch HS Key Club members Allie and Zia; Key Club faculty advisor Rachel; Addy and Sofi

Monarch Key club

Left: Club photo for School Year Book, 2016-17
Below, L to R: Volunteering at Community Food Share and at Sister Carmen.

Rob Anderson is presented with the first annual Pete Sprenkle Coaching Excellence Award. With Misie Goodard, president of BVGSA, IPGSA and Fall Ball (left), and of course, Pete Sprenkle himself (center).
Mary Schweitzer is presented a plaque to honor her 12 years as a very active and positive club member ... as she prepares to move to Washington state to be closer to family. With President David (L) and immediate Past President Adam.

Peak to Peak Key Club

Left: Officers for 2016-7
Below, members volunteer at Broomfield Library.
(L to R): Vithika, Meredith, and Aiyana with Librarian; Caroline, Anna, and Nabhur

The new Peak to Peak Key Club gets right to work. Here preparing warm blankets for homeless and creating greeting cards for elderly shut-ins.

Oct 3: Induction Ceremony, Officers and Directors for 2016-17. New members inducted.

Above: New members Steve, Janet, Rich &Alan
Left: Lt Governor Amanda made it fun. Officers hold their service Light Sabres
Outgoing President Adam hands a very large ceremonial gavel over to new President David for the 2016-17 administrative year.

August: Foothills Kiwanians and family members volunteer at the Greenhouse Scholars’ “Venus de Miles” event, Colorado's largest
women's bike-ride fundraiser

Aug15 – Twesigye ”Jackson” Kaguri, visits our Club. Jackson the founder and leader of the Nyaka AIDS Orphans Project in Uganda.
L to R: Sue Lathrop (Colorado Nyaka Volunteer Coordinator &
Jerry’s daughter), Jennifer Nantale (Nyaka Country Director), Jackson Kaguri, President Adam, Treasurer Jerry G. Our club presented Nyaka with a $2,000 check

July: Jerry and Bandit at the Kiwanis International Convention in Toronto sharing our club's proven program of buying, training and donating service dogs to children. Over 500 people stopped by for info at a booth for two Kiwanis Int'l Foundation showcase projects

2016 Dog Days Golf Outing at Lake Valley Golf Club, June 13th

Player and team check-in volunteers

Auction Table volunteers: members Barb and Mary

Couple of 4-some teams who enjoyed the event, weather and food

Post-tournament dining and camaraderie for contestants, volunteers and special guests

(Left): Janet W talks about being a parent of child with a Foothills Kiwanis Alert Dog (shown on the right is Alert Dog recipient Gabbie W and her dog Bailey)

May 30th, 10 Foothills Kiwanians (counting a few spouses) helped with starting line security at the Bolder.

April: Great day for our club's Taste of Downtown Boulder. Sixteen downtown establishments helped us raise almost $3,000 and the weather cooperated making it an enjoyable day for all.
Foothills Kiwanians Join in the spring cleanup at Horizon Field, getting it ready for the spring and summer softball season

Award Ceremony at Stars of Tomorrow competition, Glenn Miller Ballroom, CU, March, 13.
Jr. Classical Division: Jordan P
Jr. Contemporary Division: Louis K
Sr. Classical Division: Jacob D & Sawyer J
Sr. Contemporary Division and the overall best of show: Vana Vedu Kutandara Center (will 11 team members, 7th - 12th grades).
Kid's Need Kiwainis