Foothills Kiwanis of Boulder Valley
Serving the children of the world since 1969
Kids need Kiwanis

Our Projects

Foothills Kiwanis Alert Dog Program
The Foothills Kiwanis "Alert-Dog Training Academy for Kids" program provides alert-dogs to children who have severe allergy reactions or diabetes that protects them by barking before eating something that can trigger a reaction or when their blood-sugar level is low.

The Salvation Army Red Kettle
Foothills Kiwanis has teamed up once again with The Salvation Army for bell ringing. All donations will be used by The Salvation Army to help families in Boulder County. Last year Foothills Kiwanis helped raise $17,513 and provided 213 hours of volunteer hours to The Salvation Army.

Foothillls Kiwanis Tuition Scholarship
This year the Foothills Kiwanis Club will be awarding several Tuition Scholarships of $1,000 to graduating Boulder Valley School District High School seniors who have shown sustained commitment to both community service as well as academics during their high school years.

Stars of Tomorrow
Each year the club hosts Stars of Tomorrow youth talent competition to recognize youth in our community from elementary through high school ages. This year's event has a new format as an online event that will include cash prizes.

Service Leadership Projects
Foothills Kiwanis sponsors:
University of Colorado-Boulder Circle K
Monarch High School Key Club
Peak to Peak High School Key Club
York International High School Key Club

Sweet Dream in a Bag
Foothills Kiwanis works with Sweet Dream through hands-on work and donations to provide personalized bedding, pillows, toys and books to children in difficult foster care situations
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Kid's Need Kiwainis